
Package Changes

I have changed packages.cidesign.ca again. It is now i386 only, as I do not really use ppc since I got the macbook, and I can not maintain it. I have added updated packages for dosbox 0.65, as well as scummvm 0.9.0. I have modified scummvm to install the modern theme, and to search a system-wide path for themes (/usr/share/scummvm/themes). It seems to work alright, and looks a whole lot nicer.

Welcome to the 21st Century

So I purchased a Macbook. I waited until I had it for a bit before posting about it. I’ve only had it for two days, but am really enjoying it thus far. I will post photos later. This is not a review. There are enough of those already. The screen is excellent, the keyboard only takes a few minutes to get used to, the touch-pad is very natural, and the heat issues are… intermittent, and very dependent on ambient-temperature.

Listing only Directories

So as part of this little repository I made for myself, I’ve built a script to regenerate the the required apt files. But here is the issue: I’ve got a symlink called “6.06” pointing to the “dapper” directory. I don’t wish to regenerate both, as they are identical contents, and ls -d */ returns the symlink as a directory. I’ve resorted to using some command-line kung-fu to get around this, but if anybody happens to know of a better way, please let me know:

Ubuntu Packaging goodness

I’ve been reading up on debian packages since I’m now an Ubuntu user (Ubuntu being derived from Debian). I was previously building packages, copying them around, and manually installing and pinning versions. Today, I decided to simplify this process by creating my own package repository. Behold, [http://packages.cidesign.ca/](http://packages.cidesign.ca/ packages.cidesign.ca). The following lines in /etc/apt/sources.list will add this repository: ## cidesign packages deb http://packages.cidesign.ca/ubuntu/ dapper main deb-src http://packages.cidesign.ca/ubuntu/ dapper main Most of the packages are from using checkinstall, so dependancies are not mapped at all.

Linux on the iBook updates

I’ve replaced the slow Hitachi 4200rpm 2MB cache hard disk in my iBook. Unfortunately the new Samsung 40GB 5400rpm 8MB cache drive seems to have horrible power management features, and gets quite hot. Though it is a very noticable upgrade, system performance is much better now. I’ve taken this opportunity to perform a fresh install of both OSX and Ubuntu Dapper (using Beta 2 media). I’m creating a how-to page detailing special steps needed during or after install.


I’m pretty bad for doing updates. I just turned 23 on Tuesday to much fanfare and celebrations (I had dinner at Spageddy Eddy’s with Alexis ;) Me and Chris K are having a joint birthday celebration at the Elephant & Castle, located on King and Wellington, just inside Galleria Mall. Saturday May 06 2006, about 10:00PM (I’ll be there a bit earlier to eat though). Feel free to show up, and bring whomever you would like.

Wordpress and Dapper

Well, I’ve gone back to wordpress. No real reason why, however. Typo is some very good software as well. I’m also running Ubuntu 6.06 “Dapper Drake” on my server. “Oh cool” you may say before you realize that it is only 6.04 right now. Let me answer a few questions “Why Dapper?” I wanted to have some neat things like Avahi, a newer mono, and a few other nicities installed.